Undergrad Research Opportunities

General Information: Undergraduate research offers a unique opportunity for students to explore outside the classroom and connect to hands-on learning in their areas of interest. Students are encouraged to develop lab skills, think critically, and attain valuable experience under the guidance of top-notch faculty mentors and graduate students. This webpage contains links to current opportunities for undergraduate research.


Interested Undergraduate Researchers: Current open research opportunities are listed in the box folder below. Please follow the directions on each research posting to apply. Undergraduates from any department are welcome to apply unless otherwise indicated. 


Faculty and Graduate Student Mentors: If you are interested in posting research opportunities, fill out the UCD-URP form with your Principal Investigator, and email Ryan Gorsiski (ragorsiski@ucdavis.edu) with the completed form. The work entailed in each posting should fall within levels 2-4 of the Assistant Series Classification Plan


PDA Surfactant Chemistry with John Miller and Professor Kuhl Apply by October 31st, 2024

Giant PDAs with John Miller and Professor Kuhl Apply by October 31st, 2024