Students at ice cream social and club fair event

New Students

Be sure you have completed Aggie 101 BEFORE you begin the Aggie Advising Canvas Modules.

One Department, Two Majors

The Department of Chemical Engineering hosts two different majors; the Biochemical Engineering major & the Chemical Engineering major. Both majors share similar foundations but in your Junior & Senior years, you begin to take different courses focusing on each unique individual aspect of those majors. 

All first year students must complete placement exams May 8-15

Step 1: Complete Aggie 101 (Required)

All incoming First Year and Transfer students must complete Aggie 101. This online program will provide essential information and introduce you to the key resources you’ll need to be successful at UC Davis.

Step 2: Aggie Advising Modules in Canvas (Required)

Learn how to select courses, build and balance your schedule, and start satisfying the requirements you’ll need to graduate. You’ll find resources and tips to help you navigate the university, explore your interests, and ensure your first quarter is a success. More information, including log-in directions, will be provided on May 9th.

Step 3: College of Engineering Orientation Webinars (Recommended)

The Engineering Undergraduate Office will be offering webinars to support you with the academic planning and registration process.

  • General Education
  • Interested in learning more about the General Education (GE) requirements at UC Davis? Curious about how to choose classes and how they will fit with your major? We’re here to help! Join us for this GE webinar where we will cover these topics and answer your questions.
    Download the GE Checklist here

    Click here to watch the recording
  • Creating an Academic Plan & Registration Strategies
  • Before the start of registration for fall quarter, we will be discussing the steps and elements of academic planning for new students in the College of Engineering. Staff advisors will be available to guide you through the process of creating an academic plan in OASIS. We will also discuss the value and planning of prerequisite courses in engineering majors.
    Wondering how your placement results impact your classes for fall? Curious how your AP, IB, A-Level, or transfer credit will help you complete your degree requirements? We’re here to help! Join us for this webinar where we will cover these topics and answer your questions.

    Click here to watch the recording
  • Trouble Shooting Schedule Builder
  • This webinar will review the common questions that students have regarding the process of registration in Schedule Builder. We will discuss how to navigate course conflicts, waitlists, and prerequisite petitions to ensure a smooth registration for fall quarter.

    Click here to watch the recording (TBD)

Step 4: Aggie Advising Appointment (Optional)

Optional for CHE First Years and recommended for CHE Transfers. Speak with your academic advisor about your academic record, and plan your schedule for Fall Quarter.

Step 5: Register for Courses (Required)

After you’ve planned out your first quarter, you should be ready to register for courses using Schedule Builder during your assigned pass time. Watch this video to learn more about Schedule Builder.

Step 6: Attend Aggie Orientation (Required)

Get excited about being an Aggie at Aggie Orientation! This three-day program is your opportunity to start building community networks of support, find resources, and begin your life on campus.