Position Title
Student Services Manager
- Chemical Engineering
- Materials Science and Engineering
Ryan was born in Petaluma, California, and raised in towns around the Bay Area. He is a proud alumnus of Sacramento State after transferring from Santa Rosa Junior College. He graduated with a B.S. in Criminal Justice and then with an M.A. in Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies. He previously worked as an advisor at Sacramento State’s College of Engineering and Computer Science and as the Undergraduate Programs Coordinator & Graduate Programs Coordinator for the Chemical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering Departments at UC Davis. Ryan is passionate to work with Engineering students by providing them with the tools and resources for self-discovery and pursuit of their degrees. Fun Fact: Ryan owns a one-eyed cat named Odin.
- Criminal Justice, B.S. California State University, Sacramento
- Higher Education and Leadership Studies, M.A. California State University, Sacramento