Photo Gallery

CHE Photo Gallery Contest Guidelines

  • Photos can only be submitted by current undergraduate students, graduate students, staff or faculty from the UC Davis Chemical Engineering Department.
  • Photos must in some way be relevant to the activities in the department (not just its members in non-departmental events).
  • Only high-resolution photos with a resolution of 2000x500 pixels or greater will be considered for the department website banner image photo contest.
  • Only photos submitted to before 12 a.m. on the last day of the month will be considered for the photo contest.
  • The photo contest winner will 1) be announced by the 6th of the month, 2) receive a $20 gift certificate from the Chemical Engineering Department and 3) will have their photo -- with caption and credits -- posted as the banner image for the Chemical Engineering Department website.
  • All other acceptable submitted images (relevant to the department and upholding/enhancing the reputation of CHE and its students, faculty, research and affiliated organizations) will be placed into the department Photo Gallery with caption and credit to the photographer.
  • Photos are judged by a designated team of three CHE representatives.
  • These photos may at some time later be used for other parts of the website and will be available for students and alumni to remember good times.